Doctor Martin Cooper created the modern cell phone.
Go to this link:
A Cell Phone Movie was created in 2011.
what cell phone company carries prefixes 253
Take it to you cell phone company
There is no company at present which guarantees cell phone service in the subway at present. The MTA is looking for cell phone providers to bid on developing a cell phone system in the subways.
when did the cell phone come out
Vontage phone company is a great cell phone company. They are one of the leading companies that deals with the cell phone service. One of the top ranking companies.
No mobile operator did. The iPhone was created for apple incorporated.
apiril 3,1973
It really depends on the cell phone company you have some don't let you change and some do. I would advise you to contact your local cell phone company.
First you need a card (cell phone card) to have a cell phone with the company. If you don't then it's just a "fake cellphone" and you don't want that, you want a real one.