About a foot tall.
penguins tummy's are white the rest of there body is black.
Most Penguins have a black coat with a white breast.
King penguins look a lot like emperor penguins, but they have orange coloring instead of yellow. They are also about a foot shorter.
Penguins know who they belong to because of there fins and by the color of there stomachs.
there is no such a colorful penguins THE color they have is only, yellow: macoroni penguin yellow eye penguins red: rockhopper penguin royal penguins blue: fairy penguins ( sounds funny but its a penguin that looks like a blue fiary xD) NOTE: they only have one color there no such as 2 or more than color in the penguins THANK YOU FOR READING BY: fantagecookies
Same as humans
black and white
'There are certain arteries in a penguins foot that can adjust the blood flow according to the foot temperature.'
so it doesn't roll away or get cold?
They have black white and blond