The (870) 904 prefix is primarily assigned to Verizon Wireless in Magnolia, Arkansas. However, with number portability, a number in that prefix could be served by any phone company (landline or cellular or other) that operates in Magnolia, AR.
I have a 484 area code and its Tmobile if that's what your asking
The 501-258 prefix serves Little Rock, Arkansas. The primary company associated with that prefix is AT&T; however, with number portability, any specific number in the 501-258 prefix could be served by any local telephone company in that area, including both cellular and landline companies.
There is no single cell phone prefix for the USA. Most cell phones are given numbers with the local area code of their owner.
The 662-230 prefix is assigned to Grenada, Mississippi, which is at exit 206 on I-55. That prefix contains both cell phones and landline numbers.
Area code 941 is in Florida. The 941-359 prefix is in Sarasota.
Since you didn't specify which area code, you have look up the report for your area code at the link below. Look for 305 in the "NXX" column. You can use the resources from the Internet. Type in 305 code as your key word on your search.
Area code 202 is Washington, D.C. Mobile numbers are portable, meaning that you can change mobile carriers but keep your phone number. That means that you can't tell by the number which carrier serves a particular number. In fact, you can even port a cell phone number to a landline, or vice-versa.
Area code 613 (and overlay area code 343) is Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and nearby areas. The 613-909 prefix is in Ottawa.
Area code 312 is downtown Chicago. It includes the Chicago Loop and the immediate area around it. The 312-273 prefix is mostly for wireless users (cell phones), but may also include some landline numbers. Area code 773, which serves the rest of Chicago, completely surrounds area code 312; area code 872 is an overlay on both 312 and 773, serving the entire city of Chicago, but not the suburbs.
The 949 area code serves southern Orange County, California. The 949-556 prefix is in Irvine.
Area code 949 serves southern Orange County, California. The 949-430 prefix is in Irvine.
There are many different area codes with a 223 prefix.