Why is the second paragraph a contradiction of the first? If hot water pipes 'Absolutely' do not freeze faster than cold water pipes then why the comment about the cold water pipes having a larger diameter which causes them to freeze at a slower rate than the smaller hot water pipes? Also, the word then in the last line should be thanand there should be an a between usually and larger. And, piping should be changed to pipe.
Copper is used as hot water pipes because the copper will not corrode when the hot water goes through the pipes
Copper is used as hot water pipes because the copper will not corrode when the hot water goes through the pipes
No this is not necessary. Install the pipes as per usual. You can insulate the hot water pipes up to two meters or up to two yards from the hot water outlet from the hot water tank to prevent this. No this is not necessary. Install the pipes as per usual. You can insulate the hot water pipes up to two meters or up to two yards from the hot water outlet from the hot water tank to prevent this.
Heat tape is just for keeping the pipes from freezing, it does not heat the water. That's what the hot water heater is for.
You know it by touching and feeling the pipes on the hot water side; if they are hot, there is water running through the pipes and obviously the heater valve is open on hot side.
The water pipes are full of cold water. All that cold water has to be flushed from the pipes before the hot water from the tank reaches your faucet.
If the plumbing in your house is old, it is probably rusty water pipes or rust from within the Hot Water heater. Des Perado
Water pipes may be covered with foam rubber to stop condensation dripping from the surface of cold water pipes in warm and damp climates, and to insulate hot water pipes so the water in them does not cool while flowing from the hot water tank to the faucet,
The orange water in the bathtub when hot is likely caused by rust from the water heater or pipes getting stirred up by the hot water flow. When the water is cold, the rust particles settle at the bottom and do not mix as readily with the water. It's advisable to have a plumber check the water heater or pipes to address the issue.