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Echo can be caused by Atmospheric, magnetic between 2 signal points, depending on location & distance of signal points & caller

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Q: What cause echo on mobile phones?
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What are disadvantages of mobile phones?

One disadvantage of mobile phones is that they create more waste. They also may cause health problems, or cause people to drive recklessly.

What actual biological effects do mobile phones cause?


Can mobile phones damage your health?

Yeah i heard that mobile phones can cause damage only to those who speaks on it for a longer duration of time. Speaking long on the mobile can affect your hearing. Also they can cause heart problems if you put your mobile in your shirts pocket.

Do electronics such as mobile phones actually cause cancer?

No. This is most definitely a myth.

Why is it prohibited to use a mobile phone on a drilling rig?

The reason for this is that mobile phones have the possibility of igniting flammable substances, which there is plenty of on a drilling rig. It is scientifically proven that the mobile phones radio waves/"signals" are the cause of this.

Should children under 12 use mobile phones?

no children under 12 should not use a mobile phones as they can cause cancer risk in younger people and does not teach them anything

Do hand phone radiations adversely affect infants?

Research is still going on and the final verdict does not seem to be imminent. It is unlikely that mobile phones cause any serious illness. However mobile phones do use electromagnetic radiation. WHO has recommended that mobile phones be kept away from the body as much as possible. It is advisable to keep mobile phones away from infants.

Are mobile phones bad for health only when you are calling someone?

Mobile phones are not necessarily bad for your health whether you are calling someone or are receiving calls. Studies have not shown that mobile phones damage your hearing or cause tumors, although there are many rumors regarding this type of incident.

Do blue mobile phones cause any health issues?

It has been proven that cell phones can cause some health issues if used too long at one time. A blue mobile phone is no different, just limit your usage time.

What do other countries call mobile phones?

Mobile phones, mobiles, cellular phones, cellphones

How much money were mobile phones in 1945?

There were no mobile phones in 1945.

Do mobile phones cause tumors?

no they encurage them to grow they dont stat them yes i have one on my head