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Q: What can Social media most accurately be described as being about?
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How Social media?

Because of this media people become more social being but in a different form.

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Some ways to avoid being manipulated by the media are to:Not believe everything you readStop joining different social media platformsStart making sure the sites you are going to are trustworthy

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"The press" is another term that is accurately describes "the media."

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A PEST analysis is not for finding bugs, despite the name. It is a tool designed to measure the Political, Economic, Social and Technological impact of Facebook and other social media. There are several programs available, including one on Mind Tools, which enable a person to do a PEST analysis accurately.

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Media designed to Facilitate and be promoted by social interactions

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What dose Eye of the Storm exemplifies?

"Eye of the Storm" exemplifies staying calm and focused in the face of adversity or challenges. It is about finding inner strength and resilience during difficult times.