Before you take on any major projects, check your local Plumbing codes. The Complete Guide to Home Plumbing Plumbing 1-2-3: Install, Upgrade, Repair, and Maintain Your Home's Plumbing System Basic Plumbing Advanced Plumbing: Pro Tips and Simple Steps Popular Mechanics Plumbing & Heating Plumbing : Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Projects Home Plumbing Projects
"The Complete Guide to Home Plumbing" by Black & Decker is a comprehensive DIY guide that covers common plumbing repairs with clear instructions and illustrations. It's a great resource for beginners looking to tackle plumbing projects around the home.
You can find DIY books for rmeodeling your bathroom at any bookstore, online stores like amazon or ebay, or home improvement stores like home depots.
Your best bet for DIY kitchen and home remodeling supplies will probably be your local hardware or home store - they'll have the equipment and tools along with kits and guides in stock. Try a national outlet like Lowe's or Home Depot; you might need to get specialized plumbing supplies at a plumbing supply outlet.
DIY aren't always easy to do. Try visiting your local home depot for supplies. The store associates are always helpful. Don't be shy to ask for any helpful tips.
I'm assuming you don't want to just call a plumber. If so, there are many DIY sources on how to do plumbing. Many local hardware stores will run weekly courses on how to do this kind of thing, with practical examples - it may be worth calling them. Additionally, your local library will probably also loan you books on DIY.
The homeowner series has dvds on plumbing and other repairs you can dor around the house. You can purchase these dvds on Also check the How To Diy : The How To Diy Guide To Advanced Plumbing which is also available on
plumbing systems should be checked routinely for repairs or maintenance and if you dont get a qualified person you could use an online guide such as doityourself. this site contains lots of information from fixing blocked or cracked pipes to installing new peices and diy home projects.
The diy network is a great place for you to start looking for the solution to your problem. They offer many great tips and advice. For your problem specifically, this link contains a helpful video:
For free information about do-it-yourself plumbing projects, go to This site has free how-to plumbing project guides, and other plumbing information you may find useful for future DIY projects.
By visiting DIY specialist stores in person and online you are able to receive relevant and helpful information about how to wire a home theater yourself.
Either via home diy books, local courses in diy/ home electronics or by looking at guides on electrical websites or sites like instructables or howstuffworks. Even youtube has some video guides on how to do this.
Someone can find ideas for DIY garden planters both in websites and books. Ideas for DIY garden planters can be found in gardening books, and websites like the microgardener.