

Best Answer

Use the size attribute to specify the height (or thickness) of the rule.

For example:

Note: Since HTML 4.01, the

align, noshade, size and width attributes are deprecated. Use style properties instead.

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Which attribute is used in script tag to specify a file containing the java script statements?

The script tag will have the "src" attribute to identify the location of the script's contents.

What is an attribute and value to an HTML tag?

A tag can have an additional setting in it. This is an attribute. The attributes can then be given values. For example the body tag has an attribute to set the background colour of the page. The attribute is bgcolor. What colour you specify is the value, in this case it is red: <body bgcolor="Red">

Which attribute specifies the submit URL in a form tag in HTML?

Use the "action" attribute of a FORM element to specify the URI of the form processor.

What is the code to add a link on your webpage?

You can do it with HTML. The tag used is the A tag, which is the Anchor tag. The href attribute is used to specify the site you are linking to. Between the opening and closing tag, you would enter the text you want as the text to be clicked on. To link to Google you would do this: <A>Go to Google</A>

How do you change link images?

Simple. Put the image tag inside the anchor tag in HTML. Give the Image tag the src attribute value = "the image location" and set border attribute = 0 ( i suggest this as its looks better). Inside the anchor tag you may specify the link to which you want the visitor to go.

Which tag is used to hide the field on a HTML form?

The input tag with the type attribute as hidden.

What does an attribute allow you to do to a tag?

An attribute allows you to customize the way a tag works and also specify the mandatory aspects of the tag. For example <Form name = "xxx" action = "yyy"> In the above tag, the name and action attributes are mandatory. You cannot identify the form without a name and you cannot know which place to submit the requests without the action.

What is an XML attribute?

An XML attribute is a specified property for a tag with a value. For example, the XML tag "person" could have the attribute "name" with a value of "bob."

What is the name of the additional information placed inside a tag that controls how the tag is used?

The information contained within the opening portion of an HTML tag that controls various attributes of the tag is called the tags "attributes."Attributes follow the format attribute="value" and are added to the tag after it's opening. For instance:In this case, the image tag has two attributes, the src attribute and the alt attribute. The values of those attributes are "a.png" and "A" respectively.

How do you get emage HTML?

the tag is used to insert images. It is an empty element that only has attributes. Two attributes are required for the element: the src attribute and the alt attribute. The src attribute specifies the path of the image file. The alt attribute specifies an alternative text for the image, if the image is unavailable. The syntax for the tag is as follows: To know more check out the cronj IT site.

Is width a tag in HTML?

This is not a tag. It is an attribute and part of CSS

What style attribute will change the color of the text of a tag?

The attribute color :)