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The main similarities between the two models include the following:

They share similar architecture. - Both of the models share a similar architecture. This can be illustrated by the fact that both of them are constructed with layers.

They share a common application layer.- Both of the models share a common "application layer". However in practice this layer includes different services depending upon each model.

Both models have comparable transport and network layers.- This can be illustrated by the fact that whatever functions are performed between the presentation and network layer of the OSI model similar functions are performed at the Transport layer of the TCP/IP model.

Knowledge of both models is required by networking professionals.- According to article obtained from the internet networking professionals "need to know both models". (Source:

Both models assume that packets are switched.- Basically this means that individual packets may take differing paths in order to reach the same destination.

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Q: What are the similarities between OSI model and TCP IP model?
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Which one is the best model between osi and tcpip and why?

TCP/IP because the osi model has seven layer but in tcp/ip only four layers and most important is that the tcp/ip model is reduce the function of osi model.

Which model came first osi model or tcpip?

Offcourse osi..... TCP/IP is an implementation of osi....

What is the difference between osi and tcp model?

1.The OSI model originally distinguishes between service,interval and protocols. 1.The TCP/IP model doesnt clearly distinguish between service,interval and protocol. 2.The OSI model is a reference model. 2.The TCP/IP model is an implementation of the OSI model. 3.In OSI model,the protocols came after the model was described. 3.In TCP/TP model,the protocols came first,and the model was really just a description of the existing protocols. 4.In OSI model,the protocols are better hidden. 4.In TCP/IP model ,the protocols are not hidden. 5.The OSI model has 7 layers. The TCP/IP model has only 4 layers. 6.The OSI model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the network layer,but only connection -oriented communication in transport layer. 6.The TCP/IP model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the transport layer.,giving users the choice. For more information visit the Related Link.

Why Internet and its protocols is prior over OSI?

The OSI model came after TCP/IP networking protocols were available in networks. The OSI description also as to describe and identify networking components that do not exist in the TCP/IP model.

Compare the osi model and tcp-ip model and their associative protocols?

The OSI model encompasses all of the TCP/IP sub-protocols plus several other protocols that are not part of TCP/IP. These would include IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, Appletalk, and other proprietary protocols that are not part of the TCP/IP model.

Why tcp ip was adopted instead of osi model?

•The layers perform the same duties as in OSI, however, OSI's top three levels are combined into the single Application layer in TCP/IP.•It carries out all of the same functionality as those three layers in OSI.—In simple terms is a language that enables communication between computers—A set of rules (protocol) that defines how two computers address each other and send data to each other—Is a suite of protocols named after the two most important protocols TCP and IP; but includes other protocols such as UDP, RTP, etc.—The OSI model is a model comprises of 7 layers.—The TCP/IP model only has 4.—In reality the TCP/IP model was developed around about the same time as the OSI model which is why it is inspired by it but does not completely conform to the specifications of the OSI model.—The TCP/IP model is a description framework for computer network protocols created in the 1970s by DARPA, an agency of the United States Department of Defense.

Which model is practically used OSI or TCPIP?

The OSI model is used today with current networking standards. It covers more than the more limited TCP/IP model.

What differences between TCP and IP?

tcp is the transport control protocol and ip is the internet protocol. tcp is concerned with guaranteed delivery of packets from source to destination, while ip is the protocol used to actually deliver packets. tcp is located at layer 4 of the osi model, or the transport layer. ip is located at layer 3 of the osi model, or the network layer. check out the video tutorials in the link below.

TCP and UDP reside at which layer of the OSI model?

UDP or User Datagram Protocol works on the Transport Layer (layer 4) in the OSI model.

Are the TCP IP model and OSI model examples of reference models?

tcp ip and osi are having their reference models, they are not reference models.......they are network models, defines how does a network works when data is sent from one node to another within a network.

How many layer of tcp ip?

The TCP/IP model was adopted and condensed into 4 Layers.1. Link layer ( Layer 1and 2 of the OSI model)2. Internet Layer (Layer 3 of the OSI model)3. Transport ( Layer 4, 5 and 6 of the OSI model)4. Application ( Layer 7 of the OSI model)

What are the network addresses for each layer in the OSI model?

The OSI model is a simple framework for categorizing the different layers that make up network communication. There is no direct relation between the OSI model and any network address or protocol. In fact, most network protocols don't fit neatly in to the OSI model. TCP/IP, for example, spans the data-link, network, and transport layers.