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Q: What are the risks posed by enabling directory indexing?
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the health and safety risks posed by the use of radiation and the time and expense associated with maintaining a licensed radiation safety and disposal program.

What health risks are posed by commercial tanning beds?

The most common and well known risk of commercial tanning beds is Melanoma or skin cancer. However, the risks do not end there. There is also potential risk to the eyes if proper eyeware is not worn. Lastly there is the infamous sunburn.

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By getting vaccinations. They are safe and effective ways to increase immunities and reduce infectious disease. Although the risks are small with vaccine use, they are minuscule when compared to the risk posed by the disease. Keep up to date with vaccinations and make sure your family does as well.

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The health risks posed by computers, if any, are not fully understood and investigative research is always ongoing. Areas of possible health risk include: eye strain/damage, repetitive motion injury to hands, neck/spinal injury, and mental health issues including addiction. There are extremely low levels of RF emission from computers that are not known to constitute a health risk.

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(1)A custom OS enables user access to the root directory. (2) A custom OS may not properly create or maintain sandboxing features.

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According to a statement made by the Gerber Products Company, the recall of a batch of Good Start Gentle Powdered Infant Formula was because of complaints of foul odors. The FDA commented that the batch of formula posed no health risks.

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The Vendor Management from Maclear LLC provides a platform to collect and manage vendor information. It provides a standardized secure web based application process. It helps to mitigate risks posed to the business from third party suppliers and service providers.

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What are risks reasonable risks and unreasonable risks?

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