a irregular Galaxy is not normal
Yes. A peculiar galaxy is a type of irregular galaxy.
It is an irregular galaxy.
Not surprisingly, it would be called an irregular galaxy.
That is unrelated to age. An irregular galaxy is one that has been distored by the gravity of nearby galaxies.
There are four types of galaxies in the universe . A galaxy that has an undefined shaped is best classified as an irregular galaxy. 10% of galaxies are classified this way.
irregular galaxy
irregular galaxy
It is known as an irregular galaxy. A few different Classifications are : Irr L (some structure) Irr LL (No visible structure) Also Dward Irregulars : DL DLRRS (Low Metallicity)
An irregular galaxy. [See related question]
An irregular galaxy is just a galaxy in a iregular shape(odd). most gallaxies form ecliptal(round) ,spiral and barred spiral An irregular galaxy is usally an early galaxy or just a galaxy with a odd shape.