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In Christianity, the only negative aspect is when people play religion without having a relationship with God. There is no lifestyle, just words. That's why Jesus was so mad at the Pharisees. They were supposed to be the leading examples and were far away from God. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Although Religion has contributed a lot to the social, cultural and economic development of most first world societies, it has also been used as an economic tool to exploit the gullibility of the commoners in favor of the elite. Religion has been used as a tool to maintain political dominance of the world order. Religion has been one of the biggest obstructions to scientific development and success. Medical science has faced some of the most disgusting attacks from religious fanatics hiding behind facades of morality and righteousness. Religious leaders have used their dogma to oppress, victimize and terrorize those who refuse to subscribe to their particular brand of bigotry. Jesus and John the Baptist were classic victims of tyrannical bigotry from greedy selfish religious charlatans. Religion has had more to do with human selfishness and greed than with righteousness, piety, compassion and spirituality. The evil, vicious, and greedy individuals enjoy success and prosperity from the exploitation of the weak. But the weak and less affluent individuals are fooled with false promises of a paradise called Heaven, which can only be accessed after death. Religious leaders are terrified that their religions cannot withstand scientific scrutiny. They are afraid of loosing their livelihood and influential authority.

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