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Making pennies!

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Q: What are the most important uses of copper?
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Related questions

What are some important uses for copper?

There are many important uses for copper. Copper can be used in pipes and in wiring as a few examples.

Which country uses copper the most?

Many experts agree that China is the country that uses copper the most. Currently China's demand for copper is higher than the supply available.

Why is it important to recycle copper?

its expensive and has meny uses thus can be recycled and used for other purposes :)

What kind of compounds does copper from?

although once entirely made from copper, pure copper was too soft for most uses. People found out mixing chemicals with copper can strengthen it. The most familiar form of an alloy of copper are bronze and brass. Copper pennies are now just zinc coated with copper.

What is the uses of copper?

It can be used for pennies, copper wire and many other uses

What is most copper used for?

Building construction uses the largest share of copper in the United States, representing 39 percent of consumption in 2001.

What are the two most important ores in Arizona?

There are actually 4 most important ores in Arizona and they are copper ,molybdenum, potash, and gold.

What is Chiles most important mineral resource?

Chile's most important mineral resource is copper. Chile produces 5,3 millions of tons of copper per year, it is 60% of the total volume traded worldwide.

Is Chile's most important mineral resource?

Chile's most important mineral resource is copper. Chile produces 5,3 millions of tons of copper per year, it is 60% of the total volume traded worldwide.

What are some uses of copper after mining it?

you can make copper stuff

What are the most important uses for C?

System Programming

Is high melting point a reason of using copper to make electrical wires?

The most important is the high electrical conductivity of copper.