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The most lightweight, 3D glasses available are the Cinema 3D TV glasses by LG weighting in @ 16grams.

However, they are also used with the lowest resolution 3D system at just 540 lines.

Active 3D glasses from Samsung, Sony and Panasonic are just a few grams heavier and allow 3D to retain full HD quality.

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Q: What are the lightest 3D TV glasses that are available?
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Can I get an extra pair of 3d glasses without buying a new 3D TV?

Yes. It is entirely possible to buy a pair of 3D Glasses. Either high quality 3D Glasses from Cinemas, or simple red and blue paper glasses. There's great variety available at Amazon.

Are 3D TVs without glasses available?

They do not make 3d tv's without glasses...yet. We all know that technology is improving with every breath we take so there are limitless possibilities to them having a tv like this in the future. There have already been steps to glasses free 3d in the phone department. There is the evo 3d phone that does not require glasses but you can still enjoy the 3d features

How 3d tv makers can discover the comfortable 3d glasses?

There are actually Comfortable 3D glasses available out there already. The batteries have been the reason for heavy glasses in the past but newer glasses are as little as 23g or under one ounce. Before committing to any television r glasses, make sure they really are comfortable for you and your family.

Are special glasses needed to view 3D TV at home?

3d TV's without glasses are becomming more and more available, however, as of right now, they have not been perfected and are not as good as the ones that you need glasses for.

Does Netflix have 3D movies?

No, Netflix does not provide 3D glasses. To watch a video in 3D, it must be watched on a television that supports 3D and the video must also be available to be watched in 3D. Typically the glasses are sold along with the television.

What TV accessories are available for a 3d TV?

some accessories for a 3d tv would be 3d glasses with an emitter, a 3d adapter, a remote, and HDMI cables. You can often find these accessories in a kit made specifically to go with 3d tvs.

Are 3d glasses included in the price of a 3d television set?

Some 3D television sets include the 3D glasses, but some do not. 3D glasses are necessary to get the full three dimensional effects that the television is capable of showing.

Can i use the 3D glasses from movie theaters for my 3D TV?

For any passive 3D television, the 3D glasses from movie theaters will work.

3D TV glasses are so expensive. Are there any glasses which are available in lesser price?

Glasses for 3D television can be expensive. But remember that when you bought a 3D television, you were investing in a premium product and you were seeking performance rather than price. Any television purchase based just on price would be a low cost 2D television. Having invested in a nice 3D television, make sure you maintain the quality of the image with the correct glasses for it.

What are the next generation TVs after?

The latest buzz is that nano technology 3d TV is to become available in a pair of glasses within a couple of years, unlike the the current 3d where you need a separate TV and separate 3d glasses. Not too much more info at this time.

I have a Samsung 3D TV but my family always fight for 3D glasses They are really too much costly dont know what to do Are there any other 3D glasses in market on cheaper price?

3D glasses are now available from a number of third party suppliers from as little as $30 per pair. Make sure to confirm that the glasses will operate with a Samsung television before ordering.

Can use LG 3D glasses on a Samsung 3D TV?

No. there is no way you can use LG 3D glasses on Samsung 3D TV, they use different technology.