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Q: What are the examples of joint sector industries?
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What are Example of Joint sector industries?


3 sectors of industry?

there are 3 sectors of industries:- private sector public sector joint sector

What is the Classification of industries on basis of ownership?

private sector state owned joint sector cooperative sector

What is Cooperative sectors industries?

Cooperative sector industries are owned and managed by a group of people. Generally the members are the producers of raw materials. Examples of such industries are handloom, food processing and diary products. Amul is a example of cooperative sector society.

What are some features of the primary sector industries?

Primary sector industries are involved in procuring naturally-occuring resources, applying little processing (or none at all). Some examples of primary sector industries include:Extraction of fossil fuels (such as crude oil).Timber/woodcutting.MiningFishingAgriculture

What do you mean by joint sector explain the importance of joint sector?

Simply stated, the joint sector is a form of partnership between the public sector an the private sector

What Industries Are In The Pyrenees?

The types of industries in the Pyrenees depend on which of the three sectors of the area people live in. These industries are agriculture in the primary sector, food production in the secondary sector, and telecommunications in the tertiary sector.

Which is an example of joint-sector enterprise in India?

The Indian Oil Corporation is the joint-Sector enterprise in India.

What are examples tertairy sector businesses?

A company that provides both private and public services, these are the service industries transport, dentists, doctors, and so on.

What industries benefit from financial news online?

There are several industries that benefit from online financial news. Some of these industries include the energy sector (i.e. oil, gas), the financial sector (i.e. banking) and the engineering sector.

What is joint sector?

According to the guidelines laid by the Government of India, joint sector consists of those undertakings in which Government, private businessmen, and public own 26%, 25% and 49% of capital. In case of foreign participation and respective shares will be Government 25%, private businessmen 20%, foreign investment 20%, and public 35%

What are the major service industries in Malaysia?

banking Sector