well, it depends whether you DO anything on it or not. If you don't do anything on it, then its likely that noone will ever know. (assuming that you don't tell anyone)
Fraud, it is illegal, and you will be pushed off Facebook if caught doing it.
yes. If they know your password it is easy for them. Although most the time they don't know your password and that is why they are called hackers.
you cruel cruel person... and im guessing FB doesnt have a "delete someone elses facebook account" button... so i guess you cant
Yes you can. I don't exactly know how but my parents have done it. Also many police officers do.
You can only get someone elses email address if they have it posted in their Info tab on their Profile Page :)
No. Key logging is not illegal. It is illegal to tamper with someone else's computer, and illegal to use passwords and such that you may learn from key logging. But you can log keystrokes and other activity on your own computer all you want.
Walking a mile in someone elses shoes.
I want to report immigrants using someone elses documents.
Try logging out and clearing your browser's cookies.
I had this problem until I pressed clear cookies on my mobile's internet options. Hope this helps :-)
No. No one does. Giving away or logging into someone elses account is against the rules and will result in all your accounts being frozen and all the accounts of the person who gave it you also being frozen.