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Q: What are the consequences of having a phone in school?
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Should a child bring a mobile phone to school?

There is nothing wrong with having a phone at school, but it should be turned off during all classes and not used.

Having a cell phone in school?

students can cheat by texting other students

How can a guy talk to his girl without having a phone?

talk to her at school dur

What happens if caught stealing a cell phone in school?

If caught stealing a cell phone in school, consequences can vary depending on the school's policies. Punishments can include disciplinary action such as detention, suspension, or expulsion. Additionally, legal consequences such as facing theft charges or being required to make restitution to the victim may apply.

Can you get expelled for having weed at school?

Yes, in many schools having weed can lead to expulsion. Possessing drugs is against school policies and can result in serious consequences, including expulsion, legal action, and damage to your academic record. It is best to avoid bringing any illegal substances to school to prevent such consequences.

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what are the consequences of not having a signed and valid agency agreement

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you die

What are the effects of having lice?

There are no serious consequences from having pubic lice.

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What are the legal consequences of having cannabis?

Very bad. If found you will be taken to court and get bad consequences.

What are the consequences of having pocket money?

The consequences are you might misuse it. Or someone might steal it from you and etc:-

What are the effects of having pubic lice?

There are no serious consequences from having pubic lice.