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Refrigerators, stoves, and air conditioners transfer heat by radiation. Electric blankets is another example. Toasters would also transfer heat by radiation.

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Q: What are the appliances that have radiation?
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What other household appliances use radiation and why?

Some other household appliances that use radiation are microwave ovens and smoke detectors. Microwaves use non-ionizing radiation to heat food quickly and efficiently. Smoke detectors use a small amount of ionizing radiation to detect smoke particles in the air and trigger an alarm.

What has the author George C Messenger written?

George C. Messenger has written: 'The effects of radiation on electronic systems' -- subject(s): Effect of radiation on, Electronic apparatus and appliances

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Disadvantages: May not produce enough energy to run appliances, solar radiation

What has the author John Frederick Kircher written?

John Frederick Kircher has written: 'Effects of radiation on materials and components' -- subject(s): Effect of radiation on, Materials, Electronic apparatus and appliances

What kind of compound is microwave?

A microwave is an electromagnetic wave, a type of non-ionizing radiation that is commonly used in cooking appliances to heat food.

What kind of radiation is given off by microwave ovens?

Microwave ovens emit non-ionizing radiation in the form of microwaves. This radiation heats the water molecules in food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat, which cooks the food. Microwaves are considered safe for use in kitchen appliances.

How does microwave radiation affect the body?

Microwave radiation can heat the body's tissues, leading to burns if exposure is prolonged. However, the levels of microwave radiation emitted by household appliances like microwaves are generally considered safe when used according to instructions. Excessive exposure to high levels of microwave radiation can result in potential health risks.

What appliances have radiation and what type of radiation they have?

Appliances like microwave ovens, televisions, and x-ray machines emit radiation. Microwaves emit non-ionizing radiation, while TVs and x-ray machines emit ionizing radiation. It is important to follow safety guidelines and use these appliances as directed to minimize exposure to radiation.

What is infrared radiation in food?

Infrared radiation in food is a form of heat energy that is used for cooking. It penetrates the surface of the food and heats it from within, resulting in faster and more even cooking compared to traditional methods. It is commonly used in appliances like infrared ovens and grills.

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Does standing buy a microwave really cause radiation damage?

No, standing by a microwave while it's in use does not cause radiation damage. Microwaves emit non-ionizing radiation, which is not harmful to humans in the low levels that are emitted by household appliances. It is safe to be near a microwave while it is in operation.

What types of objects emit of infrared raditation?

Objects such as humans, animals, electrical appliances, and even the Earth emit infrared radiation. These objects emit infrared radiation due to their temperature, as all objects with a temperature above absolute zero give off thermal radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum.