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what are the component of xml document what are the component of xml document

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10y ago

the main component of an xml file is the xml tags, xml data should be contained within a beginning an end xml tags ie <xml> your content here and </xml>

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How do you parse XML using JavaScript?

To manipulate an XML document in javascript, you need an XML parser. Today all browsers come with in-built parsers that can parse the XML document. The parser loads the document into your computer's memory. Once the document is loaded, its data can be manipulated using the DOM(Document Object Model). There is significant differences in implementation of Microsoft Browser based XML parser and the Mozilla browsers based XML parser.

What is the difference between a well formed XML document and a Valid XML document?

Well-formed XML means that the XML is correct (it has only one root node, and all elements match an end element tag)Valid XML means that the XML can be validated to an XML Schema or DTD, and that all the tags in the XML are also in the Schema or DTD, and in the right place.

What is XML Parsing?

Extensive MarkUp languageXML parsing is when you convert an XML document into an XML DOM object - which can then be manipulated with a JavaScript.

What are xml and dtd?

xml stands for extensible markup language, xml is a markup language that is used to transfer data / information. Dtd stands for document type definitionand dtd is used to define the legal building blocks of an XML document.

What exactly is the XML schema?

An XML schema is a certain type of XML document. It is expressed in constraints, on top of the normal XML constraints, on the structure and content of documents of that type.

What is java DTD?

A DTD is the original type of XML schema. XML Schemas are used to formally describes the contents of an XML document. An XML schema describes the shape of the XML document, defining the data, sub elements or attributes it can contain, along with the number of times given entities can occur. A document type definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language (SGML, XML, HTML). A Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements and attributes.

How do you view an XML Document?

You can open it with notepad by; dragging onto the notepad application, or right click the XML document and press 'open with' and then 'choose default program'

What is Dom in XML?

dom stands for document object model and is used to help parse xml documents.