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ily xoxo



*~flyin down a backroad~*

~country chick~

i dont know what kind of signature you want. so i gave you a bunch of options(: hope this helpedd

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:)He has my heart<3 (ex) ITM has my heart

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Q: What are some really cute love signatures?
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what are some good cell phone signatures about love? what are some good cell phone signatures about love?

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What are some cute cell phone signatures?

try and use something that has SERIOUS meaning behind it, like mine. it is *(:Rawr:)* which means i love you in dinosaur:))

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two is beter then one by Boys Like Girls

If you love some one is that the same as being in love with them?

no . in love is more likely ohhh he's so cute I'm in love . love is an indescribable emotion that you can' really explain .

What are some cute signatures for a phone for a girl if she likes another guy?

**i &lt;3 him** or ;)rawr&lt;3

What are some cute cell phone signatures for the names casey and paige?

(@$3Y CaSeY 9@!G3

How girl likes boy?

girls can easy in love with boys , some girls like boys cause some boys are handsome ,or some like boys cause boys are cute ,or some really love ,true love

What are some cute signatures about your boyfriend for your phone?

You could put his name and her name her is an example Maggie+John=&lt;3