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We don't yet know enough about dark matter - or even if it really exists - to be able to speculate on what "form", if any, it might take.

You have to remember that "dark matter" is entirely theoretical, based on the supposed fact that the Milky Way doesn't have enough mass to keep it together, and that therefore there must be additional matter that we can't see - "dark" matter - to keep it all together. We've never detected any, nor do we know if we CAN detect any.

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Q: What are some possible forms the dark matter in the halo of the Milky Way might be in?
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What possible forms might the dark matter in the halo of the milky way be in?

Dark matter in the halo of the Milky Way is mostly thought to be in the form of non-baryonic particles, such as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) or Axions. These particles do not interact with electromagnetic forces and are thus difficult to detect directly. Other possibilities include primordial black holes or exotic compact objects.

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foodland, woolworths and yeah. quite tasty

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well.. it might have something to do with that protons are bigger than electrons in matter and that works out better than antimatter where positrons are the smaller in mass.

Is E equals MC2 the equation for a wormhole?

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How is the milky way different then other galaxies?

The milky way is different then other galaxies because it has a milky color and twists in the middle and other galaxies dont have a planet with live humans.Maybe Aliens.Prove me wrong if you want because it might be wrong.Thank you.