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Water,food, money

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Q: What are some of the challenges India have today?
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their are no challenges against democracy in India .

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Magazine journalism in India?

Magazine journalism in India is a vibrant industry that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, fashion, and lifestyle. Some popular Indian magazines include India Today, Outlook, and Femina. The industry is facing challenges due to the rise of digital media, but many magazines are adapting by offering online content and multimedia features.

What is environmental condition is in India today?

India has major environment problems. The air pollution is at a deadly level, water pollution, inadequate waste management and other issues represent challenges for India. However, it has improved slightly from 1995 when all of these issues far worse.

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Who was the writer of India today?

who writes the book India today

What economical challenges does us face today?

Well I'm assuming gas is one of the economical challenges? "Us" face today! :)

What are the challenges facing e-commerce today?

security of data and possibility of fraud are the two main challenges e-commerce today

What are the biggest challenges facing the country and what would be your priorities and what role could you play to make India a happy and prosperous nation?

It is considered that one of the biggest challenges facing India today is a lack of nationalism amongst the nationâ??s youth. Nations like Russia solved this problem by moving around borders and embracing the regional cultures.

What are some accomplishmints of ancient India?

some of the accomplishments in India are that they created our number system that we use today, they created medicine and they created both copper and metal

What are the challenges to democracy in India?

I think Indian democracy has lot of problems, Inflation, terrorism, population, unemployment, poverty, suicides of farmers, bribe etc. are the challenges of democracy in India.