Coolto5 is a good one.Otherwise just be yourself....
Remember BE YOURSELF!!!!!
Because it is good, delicious, tasty, and sweet and also they have some stores that have chocolate names
some names are vanilla, chocolate, cookies n cream, strawberry, coconut, peanut, chocolate ripple
her are some good names: coco patch pebble molly shale ruby Sophie chocolate shadow Pippa these are good names my puppy is called pebble best name in the world
green rose
I don't know the names but they are good recipes; [watermelon, spaghetti ,strawberries] and [salad, jello , chocolate chip cookies ]and [ toffee, cake ,chocolate milkshake]
Green Machine Green Army Greenergy Green With Envy
Some chocolate, especially dark (60% cocoa or more) chocolate contains antioxidants which are good for health.
I only know one: Ferrero Rocher.
There are many names for the color green, as there are many shades of green. Some are; Jade, olive, emerald, pear, jungle, and lime.
Green sapphirealexandriteemeraldzirconperidotaquamarinediopsideapatitechrysoberylkornerupinesphenejade
Green tea is well known for its ability to speed up metabolism and maybe even curb appetites. Some good brands of green tea is Stash and Teavana.
Good for what? It's not especially good for you. There is some evidence that chocolate itself may have some health benefits, but by the time you load it up with milkfat and sugar (as is done in milk chocolate) they're pretty negligible.