

Best Answer

Go to the related link below, to be able to track Santa from the 1st December 2009.

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Is there a evil Santa Claus?

Well not necacerintly there is a good Santa Claus but... santa Claus does have a naughty and good list if that's what you ment?

Will Santa Claus give you a present?

Santa Claus probably will if you are good.

Who visites good children in Great Britain?

Santa Claus

Is Santa Claus reel?

Good god no!

Where is Santa Claus living now?

Why Santa Claus is in the North Pole making gifts for the good children and bad children!

Who really is Santa Claus?

Yes. Santa Claus has to eat all the cookies and milk prepared for him by good children, so he gains weight.

How do you FaceTime Santa Claus for real?

Hi Santa can I FaceTime you this Cynthia and an I on the good list

Is Santa Claus a good influence on children?

The real Santa Claus is, yes. Unfortunately there are a lot of guys in Santa Suits who go around doing bad things... and those ones definitely are not good influences on children.

Is Santa Claus a bad person?

nope!! he is a good person!!

Who brings gifts to good childrend in denmark?

Santa Claus

Do you like Santa Claus he rocks you are on the good list?


What is the religion of Santa Claus?

Santa claws does not have a religion he is just a character to make kids good