Not trying to be rude, but just take my advice. I think you should just make your own avatar. And if your trying to hack someone, (if you are that kind of person who wants things without getting his or herself) I say STOP IT! Anyone that you've hacked worked hard for that thing. And it just brings sadness to the gaia world. And those of you who are new to gaia, watch yourself.
u dont
Gaia online is one...
NO i have been searching for some accounts with memership or crowns and even some with commander gear and no o free accounts just trading accounts
I don't understand your question. But my gaia account was never hacked and I have plenty of gold.
yes gaia is free. its very funn to I've had my account for almost a year :D
I believe that giving away accounts on Gaia is against the ToS.You may want to review the rules before going around asking this on Gaia to prevent your account from being blocked.
You can't get a grunny free. Sorry.
its always free
Other accounts as in other websites similar to it? If that's what you're saying, then yes. Try
Gaia Online is designed to be cheat-proof and cheat-free.
yes There are some free accounts on Meez But the only way you can Trade if you make a deal with someone.