Digital goods are items that can be stored, delivered, or used in an electronic format. These goods are shipped electronically through emails or downloads.
They served as large markets for European industrial goods
the Fred marcket
farmers and nomads buy/sell goods at outdoor markets called sepets.
bodo ajer.....
Factor markets are markets for inputs into the workforce, such as labor markets, land markets, and capital markets. They represent items that are factors in the growth of business. Product markets are the the outputs produced by markets such as goods and services.
Olive Oil, Vegetable's Oil And Soaps Markets Leaders Goods
to get better goods.
i don't like people
The sale and purchace of goods.
goods and services
The flows of factors of production that go from households through factor markets to firms and of the goods and services that go from firms through goods markets to households.
The Aztecs relied on markets and merchants to move goods from producer to consumer. The volume of goods that moved through Aztec markets was enormous. Aztec markets and trade were largely independent of the state. Some Aztec markets specialized in particular types of goods. Aztec markets were not just economic institutions; they also served an important social function. Marketing was the one activity that allowed the average person to get ahead economically.