Creepy people who ask questions about her.
The app where people ask you questions and you ask them some, too is the iPhone app, Knozen.
some are dirty because people have questions about dirty stuff so they ask
Because Some people have not answered some of the questions you have asked.
There are three nouns. People, group, and questions are nouns. Questions is a plural noun.
Some questions are not real questions, others don't have an answer.
Questions are answered. Some take longer than others.
Some people ask questions that are very difficult to answer or ask questions that break the rules of the site (in which case they will not be answered) but all the questions that appear are real questions asked by the users of so they are not False questions.
some people just ask random questions but this is rather funny :)
Some people rely on Ask Jeeves to answer questions. Some people believe that the information found on the site isn't reliable.
No. It's a Q&A. Some people ask and others answer questions.