My dad just got an iPad and he loves it. He loves to read, look up things online, and he loves watching movie trailers. He can do his work email on there too. He mostly loves reading books. I LOVE playing games too. I didn't that it's a ridoff
heck no!! i got mine just a week ago and its my favorite present ever!! i can do whatever i want on it. and the possibilities are endless; im on it right now!! also, the two cameras are AWESOME and you can dowload photoshop and other really cool photo editing apps! and FaceTime is daaa bombbb[[:
The iPhone 4G has a larger memory then the Galaxy 4G. The iPhone 4G also has a better touch screen and user friendly controls. Plus the iPhone has a wider range of applications to download then the Galaxy 4G.
-The iPhone is a 3G phone NOT A 4G. -Despite the '4', both Verizon and AT&T iPhones run on a 3G network. -The iPhone 4 is not a 4G phone, the networks have a 3G conectivity. -None of the iPhones can have 4G conection.
No. There is no such thing as an iPhone4g or an iPhone that works as a 4g phone. You either have and iPhone3Gs or the iPhone4, or the iPhone4s. None of them are 4G.
There no such phone as an iPhone 4G, only a 4, a 4S, a 3G and a 3-GS
An iPhone 4g has better technology. It also includes SIRI, who answers all questions. Furthermore, the iPhone 4 has the capability to operate on the 4g network, whereas the iPhone 3g does not.
Yes. The iPhone 5 is indeed a 4G LTE phone.
Yes. The iPhone 5 is a fast 4G LTE phone.
Original Answer by Norfalka2545 Edited by Arianna Lovendino The answer is iPhone 4, because 3G is an advanced cellular network. If it were named "iPhone 4G", people may mistake the device for an iPhone 4G, when it is really an iPhone 3G. Hence, iPhone 4.
No, you can only get 4G service on 4G compatible devices. It is possible that the next iPhone released will be 4G compatible although that is still unknown at this point.
The iPhone 5 is a 4G LTE phone.
once 4G is as popular as 3G
The most obvious and most likely date for the iPhone 4G to release would be in July.