normative social influence - APEX
normative social influence. (apex )
Normative social influence.
Informational social influence occurs when individuals conform to a group's behavior or beliefs because they believe others possess accurate knowledge. Normative social influence involves conforming to group norms to gain approval or acceptance and avoid rejection or social disapproval.
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žNormative Reference group refers to groups that influence broadly and define values or behavior (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010).
Some examples of a history graded normative influence include: - the widespread use of the internet (things like facebook, you tube, email, etc. could all be history graded influences as well) - Any wars - 9/11 - Election of first black president
In psychology, normative refers to behavior or beliefs that are considered standard or expected within a particular social or cultural context. This can include social norms, moral standards, or expected developmental milestones.
Her behavior is likely the result of normative social influence.
I would say normative controls are related to the culture inside an enterprise. I.e. what employees think is acceptable and not. See it as self control and social control.
ways groups can gain power