

Best Answer

LOL-laugh out loud

BRB-be right back

LYLAS- love ya like a sister

OIC- oh, i see

WYD-What are you doing?

ILY- I love you

LY- love ya/you

BTW- by the way

WBU- what about you

IMY- i miss y

ttyl-talk to you later

gtg- got to go

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Q: What are all the text words?
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How do you find frequency of all words in a text?

To find the frequency of all words in a text, you can tokenize the text into individual words, convert them to lowercase to ensure case insensitivity, then count the occurrences of each word using a data structure like a dictionary in Python. Finally, you can iterate over the list of words and increment the count for each word in the dictionary.

What is content of a text is?

The content of a text is the words in the text, or what the text says.

When you use a what which is similar to a form with prewritten text and words prepares the document with text and formatting common to all documents of that nature?


What word is inside of the word jury?

no words at all .... but text words ..... it would be ur or y ...... if nicknames ..... then j

How many words in 13000 KB text?

It all depends on the words length. The average words length in English is 5.1.If also count whitespace, then is obtained approximately 180 words to 1000 characters.Total it turns that the13000 KB text contains about 2300 words.

What is the difference between informational text and factual text?

Informational text is a broader category that includes all types of text designed to convey information or provide knowledge, while factual text specifically refers to text that presents facts and information without opinions or interpretations. In other words, all factual texts are informational, but not all informational texts are strictly factual.

Does the content of a text refer to?

the text subject matter.

How can I get the most out of my algebra 2 text?

Read the chapters thoroughly, do all the example problems and all of the end of chapter problems. Take detailed notes from the text, transcribing it into your own words.

What best explains what it means to paraphrase a text?

To paraphrase a given text is to write a given text in your own words.

How do you prove theorem 10.5?

Not all text books have all theorems under the same number but if you post the actual theorem in words I can help.

What other words can be used instead of according to the text?

In light of the passage, as stated in the text, based on the text.

Graphs titles bold words and pictures are all things you can read What are these called?

Text features and visual cues