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You would think the term "geek" was just invented from this modern generation, but I've known this word since the 50's. Geeks (in our minds) wore horn-rimmed glasses, had bad skin, kept to themselves and got straight A's which was uncool for even my time. Funny, those "geeks" probably ended up becoming scientists or doctors or psychiatrists which many of us use! The laugh is on us!

Bloggers started soon after 9/11. They consider themselves bright, overly intelligent and non-stoppable. The are the "new journalists" etc. of the modern generation and, take great delight in so-called "uncovering the truth" (and sometimes they do succeed.) They are taking over on-line and have their very own websites (like small diaries chatting back and forth re their ideas) You don't even really need to know that much about computers. They are also "case crackers" and love a good challenge. They are often regarded as "self-important" but many are tired of the second rate form of journalism and to be honest, many are extremely bright. They don't need editors or publishers.

Their mission ... to remake political journalism and an attempt at changing the democracy itself. To make a run around the media by becoming publishers on the internet. One blogger is Matt Druge who wired the news and gossip and broke the story about Monica Lewinsky's affair with Bill Clinton (Matt is a blogger.) They are forcing mainstream news media to follow the stories they're pushing, such as the scandal that took down Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Bloogers run free, while "Geeks" need proof, but both get along together (intellectual minds coming together.)

Is this good or bad? I feel (my own opinion) there is a high price to pay for such things as this and one day they will. As out of control and as mistrustful as they can be about our jouranlists, news coverage, etc., Bloggers too will succumb to their own egotistic ways and be taken over by another foreign body such as they just did.

If you are interested about "Bloogers" go to


AnswerPeople With too much time on their hands.
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13y ago

Bloggers are basically people who maintain a blog and create various posts on it.

example:Claire has a blog named "my life" thats the name of a blog and Claire is a blogger.

warning this is only example and if there is a claire with that blog name then its only a coincidence.

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