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Q: What Questions that an adversary is likely to ask about friendly capabilities activities limitations and intentions?
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questions that an adversary is likely to ask about friendly capabilities activities,limitations,and intentions

How do you answer wikianswer questions from a iPod Touch?

You cannot answer questions on WikiAnswers from an iPod Touch. The iPod Touch does not have the capabilities to answer questions.

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How would you identify the speakers intentions?

To identify the speaker's intentions, pay attention to their tone of voice, body language, and the context of the conversation. Also, consider the words and phrases they use to express their thoughts or feelings. Asking clarifying questions can help you understand their intentions better.

How many questions can WikiAnswers hold?

WikiAnswers can hold an infinite amount of questions. This is the Internet, it's so big there aren't limitations.

What is the mission of the DoDAF Department of Defense Architecture Framework?

The mission for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework is organized by capabilities. Their capabilities answer the following questions: What outcomes are expected to be achieved? What services are required? What is the functional scope?

Statute of limitations on prostitution in ny?

The charge of prostitution is a Class B misdemeanor in New York. The statute of limitations for misdemeanors is 2 years.Read more:

Do you think Answers is the best website for answering questions?

Within the limitations of my experience, Answers offers best solutions to most of the generic questions. However, in case of very specific questions, it tends to vary. Regardless, it is the best starting point for all the questions.

What type of person avoids direct questions intentionally?

Answers Liars, users, and people abusers. People whose intentions are not sincere. They have something to hide.

What questions are left unanswered?

The questions left unanswered will depend on the context of the conversation or topic being discussed. Common questions that could be left unanswered include those about the future, unresolved issues or conflicts, intentions of others, and the reasons behind certain actions or events.

Uses of the Internet?

wasting time, looking up stuff, asking ridiculousness questions, answering said questions, unscrupulous activities, etc.

What was a consequences of refusing to answer questions asked by the house American activities committee?

You could be blacklisted.