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summation to God. And it mean that someone who subbmits the will of God

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Q: What Islam stands for?
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What is the real abbreviation of Islam?


What does pakistains flag stand for?

it stands for Islam moon is sign of Islam and Pakistan is Islamic country

Does Islam believe in eternal life on earth?

No. Islam stands for an eternal life but not on earth. Islam says that the eternal life will either be in Hell or Paradise.

What structure stands next to Qutub Minar?

Qubbat-ul-Islam Mosque stands next to Qutub Minar

Is lowky Islam?

A person cant be Islam! But I would say quite easily, in my opinion that lowkey is a good muslim in his mentality and what it stands for.

What do the colors stand for on Iran's flag stand for?

Green stands for Islam. White stands for Peace. Red stands for Courage. The emblem in the middle is a stylized representation of the word Allah in the shape of a tulip.

What does L4I mean?

L4I stands for "Love for Islam." This acronym is commonly used on social media and other online platforms to express love and admiration for the religion of Islam.

What are Pillars?

Pillars are stone or brick structure on which a building stands. Five basic beliefs of Islam are called Pillars of Islam because the who structure/fabric of Islam stands on these Five Beliefs. 1. Belief in the ONENESS of Almighty God, with NO Son, No Parents, No Partner 2. Offering Prayer 3. Paying Zakat 4. Fasting in the month of Ramazan 5. Performing Hajj once in life

What structure stands at islam's most sacred spot?

The Kaaba (in Mecca) is Islam's most sacred spot. It is important to note that it does not contain the grave of any prophet. It was built by prophet Ismaeel (son of prophet Abraham). Peace be on all of them.

What religion kneels low to ground then stands and prays men only no women?

Islam religion. Praying is for both Muslim men and women.

Islam what does ce stand for?

CE stands for common era. It is, in simple terms, the same as AD. In following with this, there is BCE, or before common era, which is the same as BC.

What reaction did Islam convey?

If it means the message, then Islam conveys a message of universal human brotherhood. It stands for equality of all human beings irrespective of their caste, creed, color, country or religion etc. It give a message of peace, tolerance, truth and justice.