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Q: What Generation of the Internet where websites were mostly static?
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Types of Internet static and dynamic - explain this?

Static: Not Moving Dynamic: Moving

Where are store static variable in memory?

static variables are stored in a special area of the heap called the "permanent generation".

What are static customs?

Static customs are traditional practices or rituals that remain constant over time and are not subject to change. These customs are typically deeply ingrained in a society's culture and can include rituals, ceremonies, or behaviors that are passed down from generation to generation. Static customs are seen as preserving the heritage and history of a community.

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Networks with one route to the Internet are called?

static network

What does static or dynamic mean?

In computing and programming: Static: Refers to something that is fixed or unchanged during execution, such as static variables or static libraries which do not change after compilation. Dynamic: Refers to something that changes or is evaluated during execution, such as dynamic variables, dynamic linking of libraries, or dynamically allocated memory which can change during runtime.

Where can one find information on static caravan insurance?

Information about static caravan insurance can be found on a variety of websites. More detailed information can be found on websites made specifically about different types of insurance.

What is an allocated IP address?

An allocated IP (Internet Protocol) address is the IP address your ISP (Internet Service Provider) gives you. When you connect to the Internet, this is what you use to connect to websites and is also a unique identifier (although it changes every so often, unless your ISP gives you a static IP rather than dynamic).

What are the advantages of dynamic websites over static websites?

Static websites are websites where one has to update manual. A person, based on his time and availability, has to update the information which might be old, not accurate, etc. A dynamic website provides the update information automatically, with no manual intrusion, so as to be accurate in time and news.

Find out about different types of electricity generation?

current energy and static energy!! i hope this is correct !! :)) but it is true ;)

What is static website?

static webiste is a website which contains static web pages, i.e. pages served to the end user is hard-coded or same as stored on the web server. It is different from the dynamic page which are created and served the created page when a web browser request the page