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Q: What's the use GUI for smart phones?
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Can you use Internet on your apple product without wifi?

Yes but you need to have your smart phone with you. Smart phones allows to use the Internet with no wifi connection but smart phones can also transfer Internet to iPod touch, iPhones or iPads because smart phones uses signals. Smart phones does not need to be connected the wifi. The only problem is that wifi stops working and you have to upgrade the inernet. Smart phones uses signals that are a lot better than wifi.

What is processor of smart phone?

Smart phones use single core and multi-core processors.

Do all smart phones use the same operating system software?


Can you use SMS messaging on all cell phones?

You can use SMS messaging on most smart phones. Your carries will need to turn on the SMS messaging feature on your phone in order to use this service. If your phone is not a smart phone, you may not be able to get this service.

What is the difference between smartphone and touch phone?

A smart phone is a phone that has internet capabilities and may apps that can do a wide range of things, much more than just making calls. Andoid is one operating system that is used on some smart phones. Android phones are therefore typically smart phones, but not the only kind of smart phones. The iPhones do not use Android as their operating system, but they are smart phones.

Are HTC phones smartphones and are they reliable?

HTC is a brand known for exclusively having great and reliable smart phones. The HTC Inspire is a wonderful smart phone, easy to use and it has applications unlike any other smart phone.

Where can I find best phone deals online for a smart phone?

Depending on who you are and what you may use the phone for it is very difficult to answer a question like this. Iphones are very hyped as good smart phones but only amongst kids. Windows phones are more for adults as they offer better reliability. Future shop and Rogers are where to get some nice smart phones deals.

Do you need a data plan to check email from a smart phone?

not necessarily you can often use wifi on many phones

Why do people call smart phone programs apps?

Smart phones use applications to perform various functions. Apps is just a shortened version of the word applications and people use it as a form of slang.

How is the current surge in interest for a remote helicopter related to the use of smart phones?

The recent surge in interest for a remote helicopter is related to the use of smart phones because many newer helicopters can be controlled by using your phone. New technology has allowed developers to create applications to be used to control these devices.

What types of phones support audio conferencing?

Almost every phone allows you to use audio conferencing. Some have video and audio conferencing but most new phones, no necessarily just smart phones, provide the service.

What phone brand is the best for smart phones?

We all need phones in our lives. Now there are no people in the world who do not use mobile. There is a lot of demand for phones in the world right now so click here to see the list of the best phones we have created