.gov or .mil
The .mil domain is used for websites and email addresses related to the United States military.
edu - Educationalgov - Governmentcom - Commercial - although now used by anyone for anything.net - Network infrastructure - although now used by anyone for anything.mil - Military
Meri Awaz Ko Mil Gayi Roshni ended on 2008-01-17.
Most British websites end with ".co.uk".
armaan will marry riddhima and siddart will marry shilpa.
Since million is abbreviated mil, you can abbreviate millions as mils. Even though there is an s on the end, most people will know what you are referring to based on the context of the word.
Mil etter mil was created in 1978.
kill lots of dragons and get the bones and drops and then sell at the grand exchanee then u should get 1 mil by the end of the day if u have worked hard enough
6 mil is thicker than 4 mil.
1000 is mil and there are 2 so dos mil and 1 is uno dos mil uno
From Forbes, for 2007: Robert A Niblock's CompensationVs. Retailing Medians Salary $0.85 mil $1.02 mil Bonus $2.55 mil $1.24 mil Other $0.35 mil $0.73 mil Stock Gains $1.74 mil $0.00 mil Total Compensation $5.50 mil $4.25 mil