Vanessa Marano is Laura Maranos sister. Vanessa Marano is the co-star of Swithced at Birth and she is older than Laura.
423 29245712
An official fan phone number for Vanessa Morgan is not known at this time. WikiAnswers will not disclose the personal (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) information of celebrities and non-celebrities alike.
vanessa hudgens has a i phone
WikiAnswers does not publish the phone numbers of celebrities.
Vanessa has an iphone do not provide such private information!
Her phone is an IPHONE.
== == Vanessa Hudgen's cell phone number doesn't need to be open to the public, Vanessa has the right to keep her personal information private and you should allow her to do so, she has her own rights.
Vanessa has a Motorola ... Hehe soo bad !!
Her fan phone number is 310-601-2100. (If your not in America put 001 before that) has lots of Fan phone numbers from rappers to actors. ;)