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when you set up you wireless network see that every access point by default broadcasts beacon messages that contain the information about you wireless network and if not protected with passwords every one can see and connect you wireless network

if you suspect experience users around you house :)

1) disable SSID broadcast in the wireless router this will keep out sending beacons and announcing your network

2) put password WEP or WPA2 [again WEP is weaker against hackers but it will work if you these hackers are lazy ones for breaking your WEP keys :) ]

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Q: Using wireless network can someone see from same house?
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Wireless LAN technology uses an open media (the radio frequency). Other than shielding your entire house in a closed metal cage, you cannot prevent anyone from accessing it. However, you should enable solid security using WPA based on a strong (=long and difficult to guess) password to prevent anyone but those knowing the password from using your wireless network. You can't stop them from trying (except when building a Faraday's cage around your house), but you can prevent them from succeeding.

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the lights on the router will flash and in the network folder of your computer it might say the computers name that is connected to the router. The hacker will not be visible if he has his computers network settings set to private. If the lights are flashing continuously and you know that no one else in your house is connected to it. Switch it off to avoid any serious threats

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Just connect your network switch in one of four wireless lan ports. But if you are ready to spend more money you can buy wireless cards for all your PCs in that way you are not trapped with cables.

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You will need a wireless Network card installed to be able to use wireless service outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a internal WiFi card (or network card) in your laptop and you have a wireless connection from your house (or any other connection that is around) you can surf the web (it works the same way when wireless is used inside.) Dumb question jackbot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Wireless internet is local, so "Den" is someone else's wireless internet that is next to you that someone (e.g. next door neighbor) is paying for, so distributing the password would be illegal. In other words, if you want wireless internet, either go to Starbucks, go to a friend's house, or just pay for it yourself. Nothing in life is free.

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Wireless internet is local, so "fhn-2b" is someone else's wireless internet that is next to you that someone (e.g. next door neighbor) is paying for, so distributing the password would be illegal. In other words, if you want wireless internet, either go to Starbucks, go to a friend's house, or just pay for it yourself. Nothing in life is free.

Using wireless router, can I work in any rooms of the house?

Yes, you can definitely work in any room in the house if you have a wireless router. You can move that laptop all over the house and keep a strong signal.

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No such thing as free wifi. Someone is paying for it right? Anyways, just find a wifi signal without security. If your lucky your neighbor didn't lock up their wifi.

Is it legal to connect to an unsecured network?

Provided they don't have a firewall to block you out of their network, yes. Anytime someone has a wireless network in their house, it extends farther than the house usually. You could theoretically drive coast to coast, and hardly ever loose a wireless network to tap into.Also, If they have a security-enabled network, you will need to type in a password to get into the internet. Most people have a security-enabled network, because who wants someone else gettting on internet they are paying for? I have a security-enabled network. It works great! And you can see who is on your wirless router and you can kick them off any time!! That is what I like about secuity-enabled networks! Well, bottom line, you can get on someone else's internet, but you will be promted to type in a password, unless they have an unsecured network!**The End**