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Most are connected by wires, some are connected by a wireless connector ('Dongle'). Two of my friends have wireless dongles.

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Q: True or false-computers are connected with a network of wires on the internet?
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Each of the components connected by wires in a network is called a?

Each component in a network connected by wires is called a terminal. Components in a network that are not connected by wires, such as in a shared Wi-Fi connection are also called terminals.

What does wireless computer network do?

A wireless computer network connects through to the internet without being connected with wires. It gives you a fast and easy connection and is a modern technology.

When a computer is connected to a network?

The internet is one example of a "Computer Network." As a result, then a computer which is connected to the internet is connected to a "Computer Network" There are other types of computer networks which are not necessarily connected to the internet, such as some offices. Typically you can be assured that your computer is connected to a computer network if: (a) you are using the internet (b) you are using a modem (many varieties include, but not limited to Telephone, Cellular, etc.) (c) you are connected to a wall outlet, box, or other device with an "Ethernet" cable. (The ends of an Ethernet cable look the same as a phone cable, only wider (8 wires instead of 4) Also . . . just because the "wires" are connected, doesn't mean that your computer is actually "participating" in the network . . . software, hardware, drivers . . . all these things have to be in place & working correctly for a full fledged network connection.yes irt i s1

What is required to partition a fully connected network of six nodes?

If you are partitioning a node on a fully connected network. You must disconnect it from the rest of the network by disconnecting all the wires to the node.

Are sensor networks and wireless sensor networks the same thing?

The difference is a sensor network may be connected using wires or wirelessly, a wireless sensor network is always connected wirelessly.

Wireless Routers?

Regular Internet service can become wireless Internet with the use of a wireless router. A wireless router does require the use of a power cord and a cat5 cable for setting the router up with the modem, but the Internet is transferred throughout your network without being connected by any wires. The router converts the Internet signal into WiFi signals for your network. In addition to a wireless router you need to have a wireless receiver for ever computer on your network.

What is a PC network?

Short answer: a network is a group of computers linked by wires or wirelessly. A network can be small like a home network or very large like the internet.

What is the vast network of computer networks?

Computer network : A collection of computing devices that are connected in various ways in order to communicate and share resource. Usually, the connections between computers in a network are made using physical wires or cables.

Do networks that connect computers eliminate theneed for wires between the computers?

If you are talking about a home network for example, sure! You can have many computers in your house all connected without wires and it would work just fine. But when the Internet becomes involved, things aren't as simple. The Internet is a massive 'world wide web' of networks, enabling all types of devices plugged in to the Internet to communicate with one another. The network is interconnected with wires, radio waves, satellites, IR, fiber optics, etc. Theoretically, you could have an Internet based solely on wireless technologies, but it would not be as secure or as stable or most importantly, as fast as a wired Internet. The Internet carries massive amounts of information being sent continuously by all computers and devices connected to it all over the world! Because of the amount of bandwidth being used, you must use wires because it is the fastest means of sending data. Without physical wires linking computers together, the Internet would be a very inefficient way of transferring massive amounts of data to the far reaches of the globe.

What type of noun is network?

The word 'network' is a singular, common, compound noun; a word for a fabric or structure of lines, cords, or wires that cross; a group or system of related or connected parts; a group of connected radio or television stations; a system of computers connected by communications lines.

How do network impact with your daily life?

I believe you mean networks. Networks are any type of technology that are connected together through the use of the internet, or connections of wires. So to answer your question simply think of how the use of the internet and other methods impact your life on a daily basis(So do they help you?, Do they hurt you? etc.)

What is broadband DSL?

DSL(Digital Subscriber Line) is a broadband Internet connection that uses the wires of a telephone network to deliver a high-speed Internet signal.