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he's getting ether bored or annoyed with the samething.. and their probably someone else keeping him entertain (some new girl) so he's getting over you, he's not feeling you as much as he used to, due to never seeing you.. he might feel like its not worth it if he's not even going to be seeing you. it could mean one or a few of these, but yeah it means something bad. because even if he's busy with something if he was feeling you he would find anyway just to keep you interested.. not the other way around.. my suggestion, Don't text him, wait until he hits you up first and sort of act like hes acting with you (give him a taste of his own medicine) and one of two results could happen. 1. he could begin to like the idea of a chase and begin to hit you up like he used to, or 2. he could just stop talking to you.. and that would be good for you to know because that saves you alot of work.. that tells you he wasn't interested anymore.

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Q: This guy i like we hang out a lot but we text almost everyday and our texting conversations r boring lately is this a bad sign or is it cuz we havent seen each other lately and go to different school?
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