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The galaxy cluster that contains the Milky Way is called the Local Group.

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It is called the Local Group

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Q: This cluster of galaxies is made up of about twenty-five galaxies including the milky way?
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This cluster of galaxies is made up of about 25 galaxies including the milky way?

The Local Group is a small cluster of galaxies that includes about 54 galaxies, with the Milky Way and Andromeda being the two largest members. It is just one of many clusters in the universe.

Is Milky Way Galaxy cluster of galaxies?

No. It is a single galaxy.

What does the Milky Way move around?

Viewed from the Galactic North Pole, the Milky Way galaxy is moving anticlockwise.

Is it true that in the milky way it is a member of the local group?

Yes, the Milky Way is a member of the Local Group, which is a small cluster of galaxies that includes about 54 galaxies. The Local Group is gravitationally bound together and the Milky Way is one of the largest galaxies within it.

When The Milky Way Galaxy and all its nearest neighbors are part of a cluster of over 50 galaxies called the .ng?

The cluster, which contains the Milky way and more than 50 other galaxies, is called the Local Cluster. The cluster has a diameter of 3.1 million parsecs (10 million light years). The Local Group is part of the much larger Virgo Supercluster.

Is Local Group bigger than the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is the galaxy in which our sun is located. The local group of stars is part of the Milky Way and therefore smaller than it is. The local Group of galaxies is a cluster of galaxies and therefore larger than the Milky Way.

How far away is the Virgo cluster to the milky way?

the Virgo cluster of galaxies is about 60 million light years away from the Sun.

Is the solar system larger than a cluster of galaxies?

No, because our solar system is in the Milky Way GALAXY

What is the relationship between the open cluster and milky way?

The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy and open clusters are only found in spiral or irregular galaxies.

What are the dominant types of galaxies in the coma cluster?

The Coma Cluster is known to contain a mix of elliptical and lenticular (S0) galaxies as its dominant types. These galaxies are characterized by their older stellar populations and lack of much ongoing star formation activity. Spirals and irregular galaxies are also present but in smaller numbers compared to elliptical and lenticular galaxies in the Coma Cluster.

Is the Milky Way isolated?

No, it is part of a cluster of 30 galaxies known as the local group. The two most massive members of the group are the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy and all its nearest neighbors are part of a cluster of over 50 galaxies called the .?

local group A+