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Root Hints (page 81 of the 70-642 Microsoft Press Book)

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Q: These contain the names and IP addresses of the DNS servers authoritative for the root zone?
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Related questions

What kind of servers contain databases of associated names and IP addresses and provide this information to resolvers on request?

DNS servers provide this information.

What do dns servers use to help resolve IP addresses to dns names?

Forward lookup zones

What is root zone file?

The root zone file is a critical part of the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure. It lists all the top-level domain names (.com, .org, .net, etc.) and their corresponding authoritative name servers. This file is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and is essential for resolving domain names to their corresponding IP addresses.

Why does my email address contain an apostrophe?

Some email providers allow apostrophes in email addresses to accommodate users with names that contain apostrophes. It helps ensure that individuals with such names can create email addresses that accurately reflect their identities.

What does dot in in Internet addresses mean?

it is just a delimiter. Domain names are human friendly form of IP addresses which are numerical(binary) & contain delimiter dot(.).

What does a Domain Name System do for web surfers?

Domain name servers or systems converts the domain names entered by the users on web browsers into Ip addresses.

In what ways are name servers used?

A name server is the server component of the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is one of the two main name spaces on the internet. The most important functions of these DNS servers is translating domain names and host names into corresponding numeric IP addresses.

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What protocol provides a field for the IP address?

A DHCP server assigns the computer the IP address, while the DNS servers are responsible for providing names and lookup addresses when a computer requests the IP address of a hostname.

How can you find your old addresses?

by names

Which item such as names and addresses are considered?


How do i find names and addresses of lottery winners?

It is not possible to legitimately find the names and addresses of lottery winners in the UK. This is because of the Data Protection Act.