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* Googles reputation and familarity * Googles speed and user friendliness * Relevance ranking based on citations * Extra services * Multi-disciplinarity * Heterogeneousness of the material * Content is arbitrary * Risk of dead-ends (users find the citation, but can't access the full text) * No expert search * Anglo-Saxon (English language) focus * Offer an easy starting point * Reach new user groups * Reach new content * Easy and exper search fully integrated using OpenURL * Higher usage of valuable (expensive) content * Lost sight (control) of indexing policy * Possibility of censorship * Users get lost/confused * User ends up at wrong copy (i.e. doesn't get to the institutional subscription) * Print collection become less visible * Information skills will disappear * Library services become less visible * Googles reputation and familarity * Googles speed and user friendliness * Relevance ranking based on citations * Extra services * Multi-disciplinarity * Heterogeneousness of the material * Content is arbitrary * Risk of dead-ends (users find the citation, but can't access the full text) * No expert search * Anglo-Saxon (English language) focus * Offer an easy starting point * Reach new user groups * Reach new content * Easy and exper search fully integrated using OpenURL * Higher usage of valuable (expensive) content * Lost sight (control) of indexing policy * Possibility of censorship * Users get lost/confused * User ends up at wrong copy (i.e. doesn't get to the institutional subscription) * Print collection become less visible * Information skills will disappear * Library services become less visible

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