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== == Make sure that you get your most recent credit report. You can go to, and pull a three bureau credit report for free. Once you have your report check to see what the Date of Last Activity is on that collection account. This will determine if you have a collection that is older then the statue of limitation.

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Q: Should you pay a phone bill that is eight years old and a collections agency is trying to collect?
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A phone bill 8 years old and a collections agency trying to collect do you pay it?

pay it or the penalty will only get higher

When trying to collect a commercial that you should usually not?

When trying to collect a commercial, you should not be misled.

What is b2b collections?

b2b stands for Business to Business. Collections is the collecting of money owed. So b2b collections would be something a group or company does to collect money owed by one business to another business. A b2c collections is when they are trying to collect money from consumers or customers for bills that haven't been paid to a business.

What are the closed border states when it comes to collections?

Generally it means a state in which you must be licences to engage in collection activity. For instance, if you are an agency in New Mexico (Open border) trying to collect from a debtor in Texas (Closed border) you must be licensed in that state to send letters or make phone calls.

If you have old debt from another country and a collection agency in the US is trying to collect can they report the debt on your US credit report?

It is possible.

Can a collection agency collect from someone on disability And if not how do you stop them?

I used to work for a collection agency, and as far as I remember, no you can't. That would be like trying to garnish a social security check. I don't think they can do that.

What is a second party collection agency?

A second party collection agency is an agency trying to collect a debt that is owed to someone else. If for example, you owe on a store credit card from ABC store, they may turn the debt over to another agency that has nothing to do with them. This is a second party collection agency.

How do you get official copies of an alleged unpaid hospital bill from a facility that filed bankruptcy?

The company that is trying to collect should be able to provide the information. If they can't I would dispute the charge with the agency as they are unable to provide documentation of the charges.

In Arkansas can a collection agency sue you if the original creditor accepts payment on the debt?

If the debt was sold to a collection agency and the original creditor accepted payment AFTER the debt was sold, the money does not belong to them. If, however, you paid the debt and it was mistakingly sol after that payment, the collection agency can't try to collect. If you have proof of payment, forward it to the collection agency and deman in writing that they cease trying to collect this debt.

What should I do to gain my petition?

There is not enough information to answer that. Are you petitioning an agency, or are you trying to get a petition signed?

Can you become a creditor for child support?

If you're trying to collect past-due child support, I suggest you contact your State's child support agency. Good luck!

What if a collection agency attempts to collect on a home equity loan?

This is a very bad signYou either:Have not been paying and they can Foreclose on your houseThey are trying to scam you and this means that your personal loan info is out there.