"Rooted, or rooting, is a rather new term primarily for Linux-based smart phones.
In every version of unix, linux, SunOS, AIX, HPUX, etc, there are several user id's that are set up by default. Some of them run things, others are mostly just a holding and controlling place. The root id, has a UID (userid) of zero. It is all powerful. If you have the password to the root id, you can use it. I've honestly not read how they're getting into the various phones, there could be some other things "wrapped" on top of root to hide it, or the normal ways to hack into it, nevertheless, this is the goal, to get full access to the root id.
What does this do? If you're not a coder or sysadmin, this may seem like not much, but it is everything due to the way the operating system manages permissions. In a nutshell, root has, or can assign to itself, permission to all files and directories, and all users. EVERYTHING in unix/linux can be treated as a file to an extent, so if you have access to every file, you have access to every possible function now or added in the future, as long as it is part of the Linux operating system that root controls. There can be some things that are hardcoded into electronics/chips on the phone that are not under Linux, and therefore root, control. But anything you think of as a program or application is, and some that you may not realize are programs are.
So with root, you can add, own, edit, delete, ANY file on the system, and control who else (what other user id's) have access to what files (programs, apps, functions)."
Jailbreaking is applied to Apple products. Whereas for droid phones we call it "root". Look at AndroidForums and there should be a step by step guide on how to root your phone
The root word of videophone is 'phone'.
the root word in cellphone is phone which means sound.for example tele phone /telt means faraway and/phone means sound.
You can find an in-depth tutorial on how to root an LG volt android phone on rootmyandroid.org/root-lg-volt-pc-safest-method.html
To do that you would have to root your phone. The simplest way to root your phone is to use Z4 Root
This mode is to keep the root rights if you are updating your phone. Otherwise you will have to root your phone after update again.
yes you can. But on android its called "rooting" so if you want to root your android phone you can just go on Google and search how to root android *what ever your firm wear is* and it should come up how.
Try Kingo Android Root app to root your android device.
You can root your phone, Samsung Galaxy Note 2 without a PC using the Framaroot application.
The root word of "homophone" is "phone", which comes from the Greek word "phΕnΔ" meaning "sound" or "voice".
You can but you have to root your phone go to you tube and search for your phone and for root like note 2 root and after rooting your phone go to the play store and look for an app that called https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.defianttech.diskdigger DiskDigger.