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Whichever you prefer. :-) it really could be either, but they call it frequently asked questions so that you see that many other members think of the same questions that you do about the site

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Q: Should FAQs on this site be called 'Frequently Answered Questions' instead of 'Frequently Asked Questions'?
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How do Supervisors access the answered and unanswered questions in a given WikiAnswers category from the category page?

When on the category home page (not the category topic page) you should see all the answered questions. To get to the unanswered questions in the category there is a link to unanswered questions above the name of the category. If you are not seeing a list of questions you probably are looking at the topic page instead of the category homepage and will need to use the browse categories page to get to the category homepage instead.

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WikiAnswers relies on the answers of its Contributors; be patient and your question will be answered! Ensuring that it has correct spelling and is placed in the correct categories will help it be answered quicker.

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The program should have a help screen. This is the sort of question that is usually answered in the Frequently Asked Questions part of the Game Introduction as well as the FAQ page

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I am not sure why questions are not sorted on the site Answered. You should write the company and see why.

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Questions that require an explanation should never be answered with a yes.

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When going to a psychic, it is advice to not ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. You should change your questions to ones that have more detailed answers For example, instead of asking "Will I ever find love?", it is better to ask "Where will I find love?."

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When you ask a question, you should go to the answered questions area and see whether your question has been answered.

What questions should you attempt to answer in your conclusion paragraph?

You should try to answer any questions that haven't already been answered in the rest of the paper.

What was the tarif of abominations?

Questions should be answered when made maan! Lol

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these two questions should be answered differently because the one problem has numbers in the other problem this one does not include i think that these 2 questions should be answered differenetly.....

Should Wikianswers make it easier to add to questions that have already been answered?

Yes They Should!

Does this site just catch all searches and make up fake questions?

No. The questions all have to be submitted through the asking process, which is currently a little buggy because it is supposed to ask you to categorize your question.Another problem is that questions can be asked over and over by askers who do not realize that their question (properly phrased and spelled) has already been asked and answered. Instead they hit "Submit a new question." They should instead just click on the answered version of their question.