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it just means that the phone got it.

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Q: On a Verizon cell phone does the check mark next to a Sent text message mean the receiver has opened the message or simply the receiver's cell phone has received it?
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what is a receivers response to a senders message called?

The receiver's response to a sender's message is typically referred to as feedback. Feedback can be verbal or non-verbal and involves the receiver providing their thoughts, reactions, or understanding of the sender's message.

What are the three processes used by sender-receivers?

The three processes used by sender-receivers are encoding (converting information into a message), transmitting (sending the message through a chosen channel), and decoding (interpreting the message by the receiver).

What is the meaning of receiver in communication?

In communication, a receiver is the person or device that receives and interprets the message sent by the sender. The receiver plays a crucial role in the communication process by decoding the message and providing feedback or response to the sender. Effective communication requires clear and accurate message transmission from sender to receiver.

Why are you charged for a text message which is not received?

Once the text message is sent from your phone and it is marked sent you will get charged for it. If itÍs not received by the receiver you will need to check the number you sent it to and ask the receiver to check there phone

Why is sender and receiver important for communication?

Senders are important in communication because they initiate the message and convey information, while receivers are important because they decode the message and provide feedback. Both sender and receiver play crucial role in ensuring effective communication by ensuring the message is understood and interpreted correctly by both parties.

What represents the process a message goes through when it is received and interpreted?

source → encoding → receiver → decoding

What is feedback in communication?

feedback is the response by the source to determine if the message has been receiver and understood thus after the receiver has decodes and interpreted a message then becomes the sourced also vital part in communication because it enables the original source to evaluate how the receiver has received his.

What is sender-message-receiver-feedback?

Sender-message-receiver-feedback is a communication model that describes the process of sending a message from a sender to a receiver, who then provides feedback to the sender. Feedback helps the sender know if the message was accurately received and understood by the receiver, allowing for effective communication.

How do you know the both sender and recevier the encryption key?

When data is received by the receiver , receiver send an acknowledgement. After receiving the acknowledgement from receiver , senders knows the message has been successfully sent.

What preparation process involves looking at the characteristics of the receivers of the message?

This preparation process involves looking at the characteristics of the receivers of the sender's message.

Is it true or false that group communication involves an unequal number of senders and receivers?

In group communication, sender's messages are read by the entire group, but anyone in the group can send a message to the group at any time. In the sense that each message is read by many receivers, the statement is true. In the sense that anyone can send a message to the group, it is false because each member of the group is both a sender and a receiver.

What do the arrows and check marks mean on a Verizon text message?

ON Verizon cell phones, the green checkmark means the message has been delivered to the recipient's mobile device. When sending a txt (or pic or flic) messge to a non VZW customer, there will be a green arrow indicating that the message was sent, not neccaserily that they received it.