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Filters can be created to block people. You have to type in the criteria for blocking. Saving a filter will not allow people to contact you.

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Q: On Gmail in older view how do you block people?
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You can easily view all your contacts in Gmail. Over the compose button there is a text called Gmail. Click it and you'll get the contacts menu.

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Your account page is inside your Gmail account. You have to log into it to view it. The Gmail interface can be opened via credentials only.

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There is no such option to view that. Privacy is Gmail does not provide that. You cannot look who filtered you and when.

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Gmail Chat history is stored by Gmail. It is present in the individual chats of person. You can click on the contact to view the chat you had.

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You need to login in order to view the picture. The picture is stored inside the Gmail account. You need to know where in the mail is the picture stored.

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You cannot set it permanently but temporarily. It is because some features are not supported in the old version. The old version was the basic HTML one.

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Pictures can be retrieved on Gmail via downloading. They are shown as thumbnails in the start. To view them in full resolution, you have to open them.

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Preschoolers are individuals with unique experiences, but most preschoolers view older people as "old," Unless they have had bad experiences like abuse, they trust older people and have at least a degree of respect and trust for them.

How do you block someone on AIM?

all u do is go in the chat. there will be tabs that say: file, edit, view, people, actions, and help. u need to click on people and then click block.

Is Gmail asocial network?

no. it is not. gmail is the program where in you send e-mails to people. whether professional or otherwise. G+ is a social media site. to got to know more. please visit