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Q: Must a shareholder proxy be dated and signed?
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If a marital separation letter is signed dated and notarized does that make it legal?

No, a marital separation letter is not legal until it is filed with the court system. It also must be signed, dated, and notarized.

Does a police report need to be signed and dated by the suspending officer?

All official reports must be signed and dated by the officer submitting them. Without a signature they are not "legal" documents in that it is impossible to determine their attribution.

Must one possess a shareholder certificate to have standing to sue the corporation?

No. But they must have one to appear and speak at shareholder's meetings.

Does a company that provides a tax identification number need to sign that paper also?

The form W-9 must be signed and dated.

How to issue stock certificates in a company?

To issue stock certificates in a company, the company must first determine the number of shares to be issued and the value of each share. Then, the company must create a stock certificate for each shareholder, including details such as the shareholder's name, the number of shares owned, and the company's information. Finally, the stock certificates must be signed by authorized individuals within the company and distributed to the shareholders.

What kind of information should a franchise agreement contain?

The franchise agreement must have signatures on it in order to be considered valid. It must also clearly outline the terms of the agreement, and be dated on the day it is signed.

When a signatory resign what need to be done to sign up new proxies?

A proxy is simply a document signed by a stockholder authorizing another person to vote on their behalf. Proxy authorization may be of limited purpose and duration or general and open-ended in duration. To grant a new proxy, all the stockholder must do is sign the proper document authorizing a different person to vote on their behalf.

Is it legal to proxy sign engineering documents?

The proxy must have been authorised to sign by the person who should sign.


Oh, dude, a proxy is like a middleman that sits between you and the internet, kind of like a nosy neighbor eavesdropping on your online conversations. It helps you access websites anonymously or bypass restrictions, so you can do your sneaky browsing without getting caught. Just remember, not all proxies are trustworthy, so choose wisely, my friend.

What are the requirements of a last will?

It must be dated. It has to identify the testator and their natural beneficiaries. It has to be signed and witnessed. The requirements vary a bit from state to state, so consult a probate attorney in your state.

Which man gave the blank check to Austria in 1914?

The telegram, dated 6 July 1914, was signed by Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, but he must have consulted others before sending it

How must a check be dated to be considered acceptable?

A cheque must be dated on the day or some days before. It can't be dated for some days in the future.