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New York > Boss > Make a deal with the Mexican Cartel

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Q: Mafia Wars where to get private jet?
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How do you get private jets on Mafia Wars?

Private JetYou can get a Private Jet in the Boss Tier by completing the 'Make a Deal with the Mexican Cartel' job.

How do you get a private jet on Mafia Wars?

Do job "Make a Deal with the Mexican Cartel" at LEVEL "BOSS (lvis100+)

Where can you loot private jet in Mafia Wars?

You can loot Private Jets by completing the "Make a Deal with the Mexican Cartel" job in the Boss Tier.

Which level do you get the private jet on Mafia Wars?

The boss tier make a deal with the Mexican cartel it is a loot drop

Where do you get private jet at in Mafia Wars?

Complete the 'Make a deal with the Mexican Cartel' job, in the 'Boss' job tier in New York.

Which job in Mafia Wars requires the private jet to complete and does one need more than one?

the job travel to the old country.

How do you get a xinthriy executive jet in Mafia Wars?

its the reward for beating episode 6 saboteur in Bangkok

Which job in Mafia Wars uses the private jet to complete?

One of the other posts I read said you get it as loot from the Mexican Cartel job in the boss tier. I don't know if this is true though - I did all of the Mexican Cartel job a while back and still have a highlighted private jet (airline pilot image) on the Travel to the Old Country job (I can't remember anymore what loot I did get from the Cartel job). Sorry, I don't know if this answer will be useful. But when I figure it out I'll come back and post about it!

Is there jail in Mafia Wars?

No, there is no jail in Mafia Wars.

How do you get properties in Mafia Wars?

how do you get properties in mafia wars

Mafia Wars private jets are where?

Make a deal with the Mexican cartel in boss tier of New York

What is 'jailed' on Mafia Wars?

On Mafia Wars you can't get jailed. On Mobsters a similar game to Mafia Wars you can get jailed though.